NHS Bulletin: Pajama Drive

Katherine Severin

Information for the foster care pajama drive organized by OSOTA’s National Honor Society.

Hunter Vann, OSBN Executive Producer

The season of giving is upon us and who is better to give than to our community’s most variable, our very own National Honor Society chapter will be leading a pajama drive that will go directly to local foster children in need.

The drive is seeking donations for all age groups. It is important to note that older foster children in their teens are often left behind in donations; so be sure to be inclusive in your contributions. Furthermore, please be aware that our winters are only so long, so take temperature into consideration when picking appropriate clothing. You can drop off your donations in bins labeled for your character house. Alternatively, you may also give monetary donations at the front desk. Be sure that they are addressed to Ms. Downer.

NHS secretary Brinn Marks, 11th grade, had this to say to future donors: “To all those who do decide to donate, thank you for doing your part to assist the foster care system. During this season especially, those who are most vulnerable are often overlooked. Holiday cheer can be spread this year by even the smallest of actions, so remember that this is the season of giving!”